Bob Wolf is a tireless, highly-motivated, charismatic and caring individual who provided not only lessons in life skills but created a nurturing atmosphere for the students at Staten Island Technical High School during the workshops he has provided. We at Staten...
At Brookhaven National Laboratory we are interested in preparing the next generation workforce for science and technology. I am happy to recommend that Bob and his programs be considered independently or as a component within a larger program to bring enrichment that...
Bob treats students like young professionals and sets an expectation for success. His topic are in-line with what you see in a corporate training program. He is easy to work with and tailors his content to meet your needs.
Bob’s program focuses on leadership training, communication and career development as well as essential skills of presenting and selling. He is an excellent teacher and presenter with passion to help students grow. Every student walks away with new ideas,...
Bob uses relatable examples and terms to get across very important messages about essential skills to students. In a time when the art of communication has taken on new dimensions via texting, email and social media, his face to face interaction is exactly what...