Human Interaction Knowledge Applied Skills™
Life Skills
Develop Human Interaction Knowledge AppliedTM Skills (soft skills)…Your Skills for Life!
First Impression
You use selling skills to network, get interviews, interview, in teamwork and leadership.
Get Your
Competitive Edge
People choose to support, give opportunities to and do business with people they Know, Like, Trust and have Confidence in. These things take time to earn and HIKA Human Interaction Knowledge Applied SkillsTM to earn them!
Life Skills Coach
• People Skills • Soft Skills
What They Say
College Student
Your presentation was the motivation I needed. Thank you Bob, "you changed my life"
College Student
Incredible presentation. I learned how important body language and life experience is.
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Founding Director, Portal to Discovery Manager, Office of Educational Programs
,At Brookhaven National Laboratory we are interested in preparing the next generation workforce for science and technology. I am happy to recommend that Bob and his programs be considered independently or as a component within a larger program to bring enrichment that build the skills of young people looking to succeed.
Middle School Student
Bob is a very different and unique motivational speaker. He told us things that schools don't, but we need to know, such as selling and other life skills.
Bob treats students like young professionals and sets an expectation for success. His topic are in-line with what you see in a corporate training program. He is easy to work with and tailors his content to meet your needs.
High School Student
Mr. Wolf spoke about how students should apply specific skills in the business world and he gave examples of how to appropriately use them. He is a great example of a public speaker who relates to kids and shares valuable information.
High School Student
Your relatability and charisma is unparalleled to any other speaker I've listened to. What you teach is impactful and extremely useful for me and people of all ages to learn.
High School Student
You should come to all high schools to spread the word about HOPE skills to every student.
Office of Educational Programs, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Bob has an innate ability to gain the interest of young people and illuminate the need for good business skills. I am happy to recommend that Bob and his programs be considered independently or as a component within a larger program to bring enrichment that build the skills of young people looking to succeed.