Human Interaction Knowledge Applied Skills™
Life Skills
Develop Human Interaction Knowledge AppliedTM Skills (soft skills)…Your Skills for Life!
First Impression
You use selling skills to network, get interviews, interview, in teamwork and leadership.
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Competitive Edge
People choose to support, give opportunities to and do business with people they Know, Like, Trust and have Confidence in. These things take time to earn and HIKA Human Interaction Knowledge Applied SkillsTM to earn them!
Life Skills Coach
• People Skills • Soft Skills
What They Say
College Student

Assistant Superintendent, NYC DOE
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Founding Director, Portal to Discovery Manager, Office of Educational Programs
,At Brookhaven National Laboratory we are interested in preparing the next generation workforce for science and technology. I am happy to recommend that Bob and his programs be considered independently or as a component within a larger program to bring enrichment that build the skills of young people looking to succeed.
Adult Learner

Adult Learner

College Student

Bob Wolf is a tireless, highly-motivated, charismatic and caring individual who provided not only lessons in life skills but created a nurturing atmosphere for the students at Staten Island Technical High School during the workshops he has provided. We at Staten Island Technical High School are excited about the ongoing partnership that we have fostered with Bob Wolf and look forward to working collaboratively to developing his message and imparting the foundations of the Hope Skills program into Staten Island Tech’s Advisory curriculum for all of our students.
College Student

College Student